Tamotsu NOGUCHI, Kentaro ONIZUKA, Yutaka AKIYAMA,
and Minoru SAITO
Hobohm et al. have already proposed ``PDB_ SELECT'', which eliminates redundant chains based solely on sequence similarity. ``PDB_SELECT'' is frequently updated and the latest version is available at EMBL WWW server.
In our set of entries ``PDB-REPRDB,'' however, structural similarities are also considered, in order not to overlook local conformation diversity within a group of sequentially similar chains. Our set guarantees that every representative is the best among that similar protein group, regarding experimental or structure-determination quality (i.e. resolution and R-value).
The first version (based on PDB Release 70) of PDB-REPRDB was released in 1995 and the second version (PDB Release 78) will be available by April 1997.
Keywords: PDB (Protein Data Bank); representative protein chains;
sequential and structural similarity