Welcome to Department of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry
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In the laboratory of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, we are studying natural products chemistry. We are investigating the possibility of producing drugs from natural products on the basis of organic chemistry, using two main methods.

yTo find biologically active substances from natural resourcesz

‡@We are searching for natural inhibitors of angiogenesis, which plays an important role in the growth and progression of cancer, from the metabolites of marine micro-organisms, mushrooms and plants.

EKDR Kinase Inhibitor Isolated from the Mushroom Boletopsis leucomelas
A. Kaneko,
J. Nat. Prod, 73, 1002-1004 (2010)
EPhenolic compounds from Cryptocarya konishii: their cytotoxic and tyrosine kinase inhibitory properties
F. Kurniadewi,
J. Nat. Med., 64, 121-125 (2010)
EPhomactin I, 13-epi-Phomactin I and Phomactin J, three novel diterpenes from a marine-derived fungus
M. Ishino, et al.,
Tetrahedron Lett., 66, 2594-2597 (2010)
EAnti-angiogenic metabolites from a marine-derived fungus Hypocrea vinosa
Y. Ohkawa, et al., J. Nat. Prod.,73, 579-582 (2010)
EPhomactin H, a novel diterpene from an unidentified marine-derived fungus
K. Koyama, et al., Tetrahedron Lett., 45, 6947-6948 (2004)

‡AWe are studying cactus saponins to find the possibility of new biological activities.

ENew triterpene saponins from Stenocereus eruca (Cactaceae)
S. Okazaki, et al.,
J. Nat. Med., 61, 24-29 (2007)
ETriterpenoid saponins from cultural plants of Stenocereus stellatus (Cactaceae)
T. Imai., et al., J. Nat. Med., 60, 49-53 (2006)

‡BWe are developing culture methods for lichen mycobionts to produce biological active substances and new effective compounds

EAntioxidant activity of red pigments from the lichens Lethariella sernanderi, L. cashmeriana, and L. sinensis
K. Kinoshita, et al., J. Nat. Med., 64, 85-88 (2010)

ERed Pigments from the Cultured Mycobiont of a lichen, Sphaerophorus fragilis
K. Kinoshita, et al., Lichenology, 8, 1-4 (2009)

EFluorescent Compounds from the Cultured Mycobiont of Amygdalaria panaeola
K. Kinoshita., et al., J. Nat. Prod., 68, 1723-1727 (2005)
EA novel secondary metabolite from Lethariella sernanderi
K. Kinoshita, et al., Heterocycles 63, 1023-1026 (2004)

‡CWe are searching for inhibitors of b-secretase (BACE) which plays a critical role in the progression of Alzheimerfs disease (AD) from natural products.

EƒÀ-Secretase (BACE-1) inhibitory effect of biflavonoids
H. Sasaki, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 20, 4558-4560 (2010)

‡DWe are researching for azole resistance anti-fungal component from natural sources.

yTo develop new derivatives of the biological active natural products?the development of anti-influenza virus drugsz

‡@We are trying to synthesize new glycosides of biflavonoids and triterpenoids by coupling sialic acid from animal resources as a sugar moiety.

ESynthesis and evaluation of influenza virus sialidase inhibitory activity of hinokiflavone-sialic acid conjugates
K. Miki, et al., Heterocycles, 75, 879-885 (2008
ENew biflavonoids from Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. fastigiata (Cephalotaxaceae)
H. Sasaki, et al., Heterocycles 75, 939-946 (2008)
EAnti-influenza virus activity of biflavonoids
K. Miki, et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 17, 772-775 (2007)


