



photo of Kubo

久保陽德 名誉教授 略歴

Brief personal history of Akinori Kubo emeritus professor


昭和39年 3月 千葉大学薬学部 卒業
昭和40年 3月 千葉大学薬学部 教務員
昭和43年 4月 千葉大学薬学部 助手
昭和45年 5月 薬学博士取得(東京大学)
昭和45年 8月 米国・オレゴン大学博士研究員(1年5ヶ月)
昭和48年 2月 千葉大学薬学部 助教授
昭和48年 4月 千葉県がんセンター化学療法部 室長
昭和50年 7月 明治薬科大学 助教授
昭和52年 5月 明治薬科大学 教授(薬化学研究室)
平成16年 4月 明治薬科大学 学長(2期8年間)
平成23年11月 学校法人明治薬科大学 理事長(1期4年間)


文部省特定研究 「エイズの総合的基礎研究」班員
日本薬学会 副会頭(2007 ~ 2008)ファルマシア委員会、薬学雑誌編集委員会、選考委員会委員、学術集会委員会
日本薬学会医薬化学部会 幹事
厚生労働省薬剤師国家試験 委員、出題基準検討委員会委員
薬学研究奨励財団 評議員(2005 ~ 2021)
岩城留学生奨学会 理事(2006 ~)
日本私立大学協会 理事(2008 ~ 2012)
日本私立薬科大学協会 理事(2012 ~ 2015)
国際会議組織委員 国際医薬化学シンポジウム95(1995、東京)
日本薬学会第128年会 組織委員長(2008、横浜)




  • 1. Isolation and Characterization of Satellite Antibiotics, Mimosamycin and Chlorocarcins from Streptomyces lavendulae, Streptothricin Source.

    Tadashi Arai, Katsukiyo Yazawa, Yuzuru Mikami, Akinori Kubo and Katsuhiro Takahashi
    J. Antibiot., 29(4), 398-407 (1976).

  • 2. New Antibiotics, Saframycins A, B, C, D, and E.

    Tadashi Arai, Katsuhiro Takahashi and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antiboit, 30(11), 1015-1018 (1976).

  • 3. Increased Urinary Excretion of 1-Methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide in Rats Administered 2-Acetylaminofluorene.

    Michiko Ohkubo, Mitsuhiro Shimizu, Akinori Kubo and Shinji Fujimura
    Chem. Biol. Interractions, 18(1), 101-110 (1977).

  • 4. Mimosamycin, a Novel Antibiotic Produced by Streptomyces lavendulae No. 314: Structure and Synthesis.

    Hiroshi Fukumi, Hideshi Kurihara, Tadashi Hata, Chihiro Tamura, Hiroshi Mishima, Akinori Kubo and Tadashi Arai
    Tetrahedron Lett., 18(43), 3825-3828 (1977).

  • 5. Diketopiperazines Containing L-Proline from Streptomyces lavendulae and Their Stereochemistry in Solution.

    Akinori Kubo, Katsuhiro Takahashi and Tadashi Arai
    Experientia, 33(1), 12-13 (1977).

  • 6. Production, Isolation and Chemical Characterization of Mimosamycin.

    Hiroshi Fukumi, Fumio Maruyama, Kayoko Yoshida, Mamoru Arai, Akinori Kubo and Tadashi Arai
    J. Antibiot., 31(9), 847-849 (1978).

  • 7. The Structures of Novel Saframycin B and C.

    Tadashi Arai, Katsuhiro Takahashi, Akinori Kubo, Shinsuke Nakahara, Sadao Sato, Kimie Aiba and Chihiro Tamura
    Tetrahedron Lett., 20(25), 2355-2358 (1979).

  • 8. The Structure of a Novel Antiboitic Saframycin A.

    Tadashi Arai, Katsuhiro Takahashi, Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    Experientia, 36(9), 1025-1027 (1980).

  • 9. Microbial Conversion of Saframycin A to 25-Dihydrosaframycin A and 21-Decyano-25-dihydrosaframycin A (25-Dihydrosaframycin B) and Their Biological Activities.

    Katsuhiro Takahashi, Katsukiyo Yazawa, Koichiro Kishi, Yuzuru Mikami, Tadashi Arai and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antibiot., 35(2), 196-202 (1982).

  • 10. Isolation and Structural Elucidation of New Saframycins Y3, Yd-1, Yd-2, Ad-1, Y2b and Y2b-d.

    Katsukiyo Yazawa, Katsuhiro Takahashi, Yuzuru Mikami, Tadashi Arai, Naoki Saito and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antibiot., 39(12), 1639-1650 (1986).

  • 11. A New Pigment from Streptomyces lavendulae.

    Yuzuru Mikami, Katsuhiro Takahashi, Kazutaka Fukushima, Katsukiyo Yazawa, Tadashi Arai, Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito and Nanko Kawakami
    J. Antibiot., 40(3), 385-387 (1987).

  • 12. Structural Stdies on Minor Componebts of Saframycin Group Antibiotic Saframycins F, G and H.

    Yuzuru Mikami, Katsuhiro Takahashi, Katsukiyo Yazawa, Hour Young Chen, Tadashi Arai, Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    J. Antibiot., 41(6), 734-740 (1988).

  • 13. A Toxic Substance Produced by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum Isolated from Cutaneous nocardiosis.

    Yuzuru Mikami, Feng Sen, Katsukiyo Yazawa, Kazutaka Fukushima, Akio Maeda, Jun Uno, Kiyoshi Terao, Naoki Saito, Akinori Kubo and Ken-ichiro Suzuki
    Mycopathologia, 112(2), 113-118 (1990).

  • 14. Intractivation of Kinamycin A by Phosphorylation in Pathogenic Nocardia.

    Katsukiyo Yazawa, Yuzuru Mikami, Akio Maeda, Takuji Kubo, Ken-ichiro Suzuki, Naoki Saito and Akinori Kubo
    Microbiol. Immunol., 35(1), 39-48 (1991).

  • 15. Antigungal Activity of SL-1, a -Nitrostyrene Type Pigment and Its Synthetic Congeners.

    Yuzuru Mikami, Katsukiyo Yazawa, Akio Maeda, Jun Uno, Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito and Nanko Kawakami
    J. Antibiot., 44(12), 1454-1456 (1991).

  • 16. Michael Additions of Indoles to 2-Oxoindolin-3-ylidene Ketones.

    Akinori Kubo, Tatsuya Nakai and Yoshikazu Nozoye
    Heterocycles, 4(10), 1675-1680 (1976).

  • 17. Reactions of Indole-related Compounds. III. (E) and (Z)-2-Oxoindolin-3-ethylidenes.

    Toshikazu Nozoye, Tatsuya Nakai and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 25(1), 196-198 (1977).

  • 18. A Novel (E)-Oxoindolin-3-ylideneacetone Dimer.

    Akinori Kubo, Tatsuya Nakai, Toshikazu Nozoye, Akiko Itai and Yoichi Iitaka
    Heterocycles, 9(8), 1051-1057 (1978).

  • 19. Structure of a 3-Acetonylideneindolin-2-one Dimer.

    Akiko Itai, Yoichi Iitaka and Akinori Kubo
    Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B, B34(12), 3775-3777 (1978).

  • 20. A Smiple General Method for Conversion of 2-Indolinones into Indoles.

    Akinori Kubo and Tatsuya Nakai
    Synthesis, (5), 365-366 (1980).

  • 21. Reactions of 2-Chloroindoles: Synthesis of 2,2’-Biindoles.

    Akinori Kubo and Keijiro Uchino
    Heterocycles, 16(9), 1441-1443 (1981).

  • 22. Mimocin, a New Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotic.

    Akinori Kubo, Shinsuke Nakahara, Ryoichi Iwata, Katsukiyo Takahashi and Tadashi Arai
    Tetrahedron Lett., 21(23), 3207-3208 (1980).

  • 23. Synthesis of Renierone, Antimicrobial Metabolite from a Marine Sponge Reniera sp.

    Akinori Kubo and Shinsuke Nakahara
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 29(2), 595-596 (1981).

  • 24. Catalytic Hydrogenation of 7-Methoxy-6-methyl-8-nitro-1-isoquinolinecarbonitrile to Uncommon Products.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Shinsuke Nakahara and Ryoichi Iwata
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 94(11), 875-876 (1982).

  • 25. The Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Mediated Synthesis of Quinoline and Isoquinoline Quinones.

    Akinori Kubo, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara and Ryuichi Numata
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 31(1), 341-343 (1983).

  • 26. The Assignment of Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Isoquinoline and Quinoline Quinones.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Ryuichi Numata, Katsutoshi Inaba and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 33(2), 823-830 (1985).

  • 27. Synthesis of Novel Quinoline Quinols and Isoquinoline Quinols from Quinones.

    Akinori Kubo, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Katsutoshi Inaba, Shin-ichiro Sakai and Keiichi Yamaguchi
    Heterocycles, 23(2), 387-390 (1985).

  • 28. Synthesis of 4,7-Indolequinones. The Oxidative Demethylation of 4,7-Dimethoxy-indoles with Ceric Ammonium Nitrate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Ryuichi Numata and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 33(5), 2122-2128 (1985).

  • 29. Synthesis of Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotics from a Marine sponge Reniera sp.

    Akinori Kubo, Shinsuke Nakahara, Katsutoshi Inaba and Yoshiyasu Kitahara
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 33(6), 2582-2584 (1985).

  • 30. Synthesis of Renierone. 7-Methoxy-1,6-dimethyl-5,8-dihydroisoquinoline-5,8-dione and N-Formyl-1,2-dihydrorenierone, Antimicrobial Metabolites from a Marine Sponge, Reniera sp.

    Akinori Kubo, Shinsuke Nakahara, Katsutoshi Inaba and Yoshiyasu Kitahara
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 34(10), 4056-4068 (1986).

  • 31. Synthesis of 1,2,3,4,5,8-Hexahydroisoquinoline-5,8-diones Using Oxidative Demethylation with Ceric Ammonium Nitrate or Argentic Oxide.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Yuichi Koizumi, Harumi Muranishi and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 36(9), 3623-3627 (1988).

  • 32. Synthesis of Mimocin, an Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotic from Streptomyces lavendulae, and its Congeners.

    Akinori Kubo, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Ryoichi Iwata and Ryuichi Numata
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 36(11), 4355-4363 (1988).

  • 33. Synthesis of New Isoquinolinequinone Metabolites of a Marine Sponge, Xestospongia sp., and the Nudibranch Jorunna funebris.

    Akinori Kubo, Yoshiyasu Kitahara and Shinsuke Nakahara
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 37(5), 1384-1386 (1989).

  • 34. The Quinoline Quinone as the Minimum Entry for Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitory Activity of Streptonigrin.

    Yoshio Inouye, Yukinori Take, Keiko Oogose, Akinori Kubo and Shoshiro Nakamura
    J. Antibiot., 40(1), 105-107 (1987).

  • 35. Comparative Study on Biological Activities of Heterocyclic Quinones and Streptonigrin.

    Yukinori Take, Keiko Oogose, Tae Kubo, Yoshio Inouye, Shoshiro Nakamura, Yoshiyasu Kitahara and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antibiot., 40, 679-684 (1987).

  • 36. Mechanism of Inhibition of Reverse Transcriptase by Quinone Antibiotics.

    Keiko Oogose, Yukio Hafuri, Eriko Takemori, Eri Nakata, Yoshio Inouye, Shoshiro Nakamura and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antibiot., 40(12), 1778-1781 (1987).

  • 37. Mechanism of Inhibition of Reverse Transcriptase by Quinone Antibiotics. II. Dependence on Putative Quinone Pocket on the Enzyme Molecule.

    Yukio Hafuri, Eriko Takemori, Keiko Oogose, Yoshio Inouye, Shoshiro Nakamura, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antibiot., 41(10), 1471-1478 (1988).

  • 38. Comparative Studies of the Inhibitory Properties of Antibiotics on Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Reverse Transcriptases and Cellular DNA Polymerases.

    Yukinori Take, Yoshio Inouye, Shoshiro Nakamura, H. S. Allaudeen and Akinori Kubo
    J. Antibiot., 42(1), 107-115 (1989).

  • 39. Inhibition of Avian Myeloblastosis Virus Reverse Transcriptase by Heterocyclic Quinones: Structure-Activity Correlation.

    Yoshio Inouye, Hidemi Matsumoto, Ryuji Morishige, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Akinori Kubo and Shoshiro Nakamura
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 39(4), 994-998 (1991).

  • 40. Preparations and Reactions of (Z)-3-Arylidene-6-arylmethyl-2,5-piperazinediones Having Highly Oxygenated benzene Rings.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Hidekazu Yamato and Yuko Kawakami
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 35(6), 2525-2532 (1987).

  • 41. A Facile Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinolines Through Cyclization of O,N-Acetals.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Nanko Kawakami, Yasuo Matsuyama and Teruyo Miwa
    Synthesis, (9), 824-827 (1987).

  • 42. A Promising Cyclization of the 3-Arylidene-6-arylmethyl-2,5-piperazinedione to Construct Tricyclic lactam as an Intermediate to Saframycin Synthesis.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Madoka Nakamura, Koreharu Ogata and Shin-ichiro Sakai
    Heterocycles, 26(7), 1765-1770 (1987).

  • 43. Synthesis of Saframycins. I. Total Synthesis of (±)-Saframycin B and Its Congeners.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Reiko Yamauchi and Shin-ichiro Sakai
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 35(5), 2158-2161 (1987).

  • 44. Synthesis of Saframycins. II. Preparations and Reactions of N-Methyl-2,5- piperazinediones.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Hidekazu Yamato, Reiko Yamauchi, Kazumi Hiruma and Satoshi Inouye
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 36, 2607-2614 (1988).

  • 45. Stereoselective Total Synthesis of (±)-Saframycin B.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Hidekazu Yamato, Kazunao Masubuchi and Madoka Nakamura
    J. Org. Chem., 53(18), 4295-4310 (1988).

  • 46. Synthesis of Amphimedine, a New Fused Aromatic Alkaloid from a Pacific Sponge, Amphimedon sp.

    Akinori Kubo and Shinsuke Nakahara
    Heterocycles, 27(9), 2095-2098 (1988).

  • 47. Synthesis of New Quinoline Alkaloids of Chiococca alba.

    Toshiyasu Kitahara, Masaro Shimizu and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 31(11), 2085-2090 (1990).

  • 48. Total Synthesis of Eupomatidines-1,2, and 3.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 34(6), 1089-1092 (1992).

  • 49. Synthesis of 8-Amino-5,6-quinolinediones from 6-Quinolines and 5,6-Dimethoxy- quinolines.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Tatsuya Nakai, Masaro Shimizu and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 38(10), 2841-2846 (1990).

  • 50. Synthesis of 5,6-, 5,8- and 7,8-Isoquinolinediones from the Corresponding Isoquinolines and Dimethoxyisoquinolines.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Tatsuya Nakai, Shinsuke Nakahara, Manabu Akazawa, Masaro Shimizu and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 39(9), 2253-2263 (1991).

  • 51. Synthesis of 5,8-Quinoxalinediones and 5,8-Quinazolinediones.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Yoshihiro Tanaka and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 34(8), 1623-1630 (1992).

  • 52. Total Synthesis of Kuanoniamine A, 11-Hydroxyascididemin, and Neocalliactine Acetate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Takanobu Yonezawa, Masanori Nagatsu and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 36(5), 943-946 (1993).

  • 53. Total Synthesis of Eilatin.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Yoshihiro Tanaka and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 36(5), 1139-1144 (1993).

  • 54. Total Synthesis of Norsegoline.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Hajime Onikura and Akinori Kubo
    Nat. Prod. Lett., 2(2), 159-162 (1993).

  • 55. Synthesis of 2(1H)-Quinolinonequinones and 2-Alkoxyquinolinequinones Using Oxidative Demethylation with Cerium (IV) Ammonium Nitrate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Masaro Shimizu, Takanobu Yonezawa and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 36(8), 1909-1924 (1993).

  • 56. Synthesis of 6-Methoxy-5,8-quinolinediones and 8-Methoxy-5,6-quinolinediones Using Oxidative Demethylation with Cerium (IV) Ammonium Nitrate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Yasuo Nagaoka, Tamaki Matsumura and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 38(3), 659-678 (1994).

  • 57. Synthesis of Meridine, a Pentacyclic Aza-aromatic Alkaloid.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Fumiyasu Tamura and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 42(6), 1363-1364 (1994).

  • 58. Synthesis of 4-Hydroxy- and 4-Alkoxyquinolinequinones Using Oxidative Demethylation with Cerium (IV) Ammonium Nitrate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Takanobu Yonezawa and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 38(8), 1919-1926 (1994).

  • 59. Synthesis of Cribrostatins 1 and 2.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Ryuichi Nomata, Yoshihiro Tanaka and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 41(4), 651-654 (1995).

  • 60. Total Synthesis of Amphimedine.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Yoshihiro Tanaka and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 43(10), 2113-2123 (1996).

  • 61. Synthesis of Eupomatidines 1,2 and 3 and Related Compounds including Iminoquinolinequinone Structure.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Hajime Onikura, Yoshikazu Shibano, Satoshi Watanabe, Yuzuru Mikami and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 53(1), 6001-6010 (1997).

  • 62. Synthesis of Cystodamine, a Pentacyclic Aza-aromatic Alkaloid.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Fumiyasu Tamura and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron Lett., 38(25), 4441-4442 (1997).

  • 63. Synthesis of 5,8- and 5,6-Quinolinediones Using Oxidative Demethylation with Ceric(IV) Ammonium Nitrate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Masanori Nagatsu, Yoshikazu Shibano and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 45(10), 1697-1701 (1997).

  • 64. Synthetic Studies on Pentacyclic Aromatic Alkaloids, Kuanoniamine A, 11-Hydroxyascididemin, and Neocalliactine Acetate.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Shinsuke Nakahara, Takanobu Yonezawa, Masanori Nagatsu, Yoshikazu Shibano and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 53(50), 17029-17038 (1997).

  • 65. Synthesis of Meridine, Cystodamine, and Related Compounds Including Iminoquinolinequinone Structure.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Fumiyasu Tamura, Miki Nishimura and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 54(29), 8421-8432 (1998).

  • 66. Synthesis of Pantherinine, a Cytotoxic Fused Tetracyclic Aromatic Alkaloid.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Junya Matsui and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron Lett., 39(31), 5521-5522 (1998).

  • 67. Synthesis of Imbiline 1, a Tetracyclic Aza-aromatic Alkaloid.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Masaaki Mochii, Masakazu Mori and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron Lett., 41(9), 1481-1482 (2000).

  • 68. Synthetic Studies of Imbiline 1, a Constituent of Eupomatia species.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Masaaki Mochii, Masakazu Mori and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 59(13), 2885-2891 (2003).

  • 69. Total Synthesis of Styelsamine C, a Cytotoxic Fused Tetracyclic Aromatic Alkaloid.

    Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 60(9), 2017-2018 (2003).

  • 70. Catalytic Hydrogenation of 8-Acyloxy-1-cyanoisoquinoline and Synthesis of 9-Methoxy-9-Deethxycribrostatin 6.

    Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 61(12), 2717-2725 (2003).

  • 71. Synthetic Studies of Benzo[b]pyrrolo[4,3,2-de][1,10]phenanthroline.

    Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Tomomichi Mizumo and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 38(8), 1919-1926 (1994).

  • 72. Synthesis of Mimosamycin and 5,8-Dihydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-2,6- dimethylisoquinolinium Iodide.

    Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 63(8), 1848-1854 (2004).

  • 73. Synthesis of Cribrostatin 6.

    Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 63(10), 2355-2362 (2004).

  • 74. Total Synthesis of Styelsamine C, and Formal Synthesis of Norsegoline.

    Shinsuke Nakahara and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 65(8), 1925-1929 (2005).

  • 75. Synthesis of Cribrostatin 6 and its Related Compounds.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Akinori Kubo, Yuzuru Mikami and Junji Ito
    Heterocycles, 68(3), 515-520 (2006).

  • 76. Synthesis of Arnoamine B and Related Compounds.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Akinori Kubo, Yuzuru Mikami and Hiroki Mitani
    Heterocycles, 71(8), 1801-1806 (2007).

  • 77. Synthesis of Arnoamine B.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Toshiyuki Sadachi and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 81(1), 145-148 (2010).

  • 78. Synthesis of Neoamphimedine.

    Shinsuke Nakahara, Yoshio Mukai and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 38(8), 1919-1926 (1994).

  • 79. Structure of Saframycin D, a New Dimeric Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotic.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Katsuhiro Takahashi, Katsukiyo Yazawa and Tadashi Arai
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 35(1), 440-442 (1987).

  • 80. Synthesis of Saframycins. 3. Preparation of a Key Tricyclic Lactam Intermediate to Saframycin A.

    Naoki Saito, Reiko Yamauchi, Hiroyasu Nishioka, Satoko Ida and Akinori Kubo
    J. Org. Chem., 54(22), 5391-5395 (1989).

  • 81. A Facile Synthesis of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinolines Through Cyclization of O,N- Acetals. II. Syntheses of Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotics.

    Naoki Saito, Nanko Kawakami, Eri Yamada and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 37(6), 1493-1499 (1989).

  • 82. Synthesis of Saframycins. IV. Selenium Oxide Oxidation of 4-Oxo-hexahydro-1,5-imino-3-benzazocin-7,10-dione: Promising Method to Construct Saframycins C and D from Saframycin B.

    Naoki Saito, Yoko Ōhira and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 38(3), 821-823 (1990).

  • 83. Synthesis of Saframycins. V. Selenium Oxide Oxidation of Hexahydro- 1,5-imino-3-benzazocine-7,10-dione: A Useful Method for Constructing Saframycins C and D from Saframycin B.

    Naoki Saito, Yoko Ōhira, Noriko Wada and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 46(23), 7711-7728 (1990).

  • 84. The Useful Transformation of (-)-Saframycin A to (-)-Saframycin Mx Type Compound:

    Naoki Saito, Masayo Nishida and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 39(5), 1343-1345 (1991).

  • 85. Synthesis of Saframycins. VII. The Synthesis of Novel Renieramycin Congeners.

    Naoki Saito, Reiko Yamauchi and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 32(6), 1203-1214 (1991).

  • 86. A Synthesis of 4-Cyanohexanydro-2H-benzo[b]quinolizine-7,10-dione as a Simple Model Compound of Saframycin A.

    Akinori Kubo, Tatsuya Nakai, Yuichi Koizumi, Naoki Saito, Yuzuru Mikami, Katsukiyo Yazawa and Jun Uno
    Heterocycles, 34(6), 1201-1211 (1992).

  • 87. Synthesis of Saframycins. VIII. Synthesis of the ABC Ring of Safracins.

    Naoki Saito, Yasuko Obara, Masako Azumaya and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 40(10), 2620-2626 (1992).

  • 88. Synthesis of Saframycins. IX. An Efficient Synthesis of the ABC Ring of Safracins.

    Naoki Saito, Yasuko Obara, Tomoko Aihara, Shunji Harada, Yukiko Shida and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 50(13), 3915-3928 (1994).

  • 89. Synthesis of Saframycins. X. Transformation of (-)-Saframycin A to (-)-Saframycin Mx Type Compound with the Structure Proposed for Saframycin E.

    Naoki Saito, Shunji Harada, Masayo Nishida, Izumi Inouye and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 43(5), 777-782 (1995).

  • 90. Synthesis of Saframycins. XI. Synthetic Studies toward a Total Synthesis of Safracin A.

    Naoki Saito, Shunji Harada, Mihoko Yamashita, Takeshi Saito, Kentaro Yamaguchi and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 51(30), 8213-8230 (1995).

  • 91. Synthesis of Saframycins. XII. Total Synthesis of (-)-N-Acetylsaframycin Mx 2 and its Epi-(+)-Eantiomer.

    Naoki Saito, Shunji Harada, Izumi Inouye, Kentaro Yamaguchi and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 51(30), 8231-8246 (1995).

  • 92. A Synthesis of the Derivatives of 1,2,5,10,10a-Hexahydrobenz[f]indolizine-6,9-dione Having Antifungal Activity as a Simple Model of Saframycin A.

    Akinori Kubo, Tatsuya Nakai, Yuuichi Koizumi, Yoshiyasu Kitahara, Naoki Saito, Yuzuru Mikami, Katsukiyo Yazawa and Jun Uno
    Heterocycles, 42(1), 195-211 (1996).

  • 93. Synthetic Approaches toward Ecteinascidins. Part 1. Preparation of an (E)-2-Arylidene-3-benzyl-1,5-imino-3-benzazocin-4-one having a Protected Phenol in the E-Ring.

    Naoki Saito, Kyoichi Tashiro, Yukie Maru, Kentaro Yamaguchi and Akinori Kubo
    J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1., (1), 53-69 (1997).

  • 94. Synthesis of Novel Octahydro-1,5-imino-4,7,10-trione Derivatives Having a Methyl Group at the C-2 Position as ABC Ring Models of Saframycins.

    Naoki Saito, Masa-aki Tanitsu, Tamaki Betsui, Reiko Suzuki and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 45(7), 1120-1129 (1997).

  • 95. Synthesis and Antitumor Evaluation of Octahydro-5-Hydroxy-1,5-inimo-3- benzazocin-4,7,10-triones.

    Naoki Saito, Haruyuki Sakai, Erika Takai, Riho Muranaka, Michiko Itabashi and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 46, 309-320 (1997).

  • 96. An Improved Synthesis of the ABC Ring Model of Ecteinascidins.

    Naoki Saito, Hiroshi Kamayachi, Masashi Tachi and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 51(1), 9-12 (1999).

  • 97. A Practical Synthesis of the ABC Ring Model of Ecteinascidins.

    Naoki Saito, Masashi Tachi, Ryu-ichi Seki, Hiroshi Kamayachi and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 48(10), 1549-1557 (2000).

  • 98. A Concise Route to a 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-5-methylbenzaldehyde Derivative.

    Naoki Saito, Masashi Tachi, Ryu-ichi Seki, Yayoi Sugawara, Eri Takeuchi and Akinori Kubo
    Synth. Commun., 30(13), 2407-2421 (2000).

  • 99. Structure of Saframycin R.

    Naoki Saito, Noriko Kameyama and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 56(51), 9937-9944 (2000).

  • 100. Synthetic Approaches toward Ecteinascidins. Part 2. Preparation of the ABCDE Ring System of Ecteinascidins Having Characteristic Substituents in Both Benzene Rings.

    Naoki Saito, Ryu-ichi Seki, Noriko Kameyama, Rie Sugimoto and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 51(7), 821-831 (2003).

  • 101. 13C NMR Spectral Assignment of 5-Hydroxy-1,5-imino-3-benzazocin-4,7,10-trione Derivatives: The Revised Strutucre of Renieramycin H.

    Naoki Saito, Haruyuki Sakai, Khanit Suwanborirux, Sunibhond Pummangura and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 55(1), 21-28 (2001).

  • 102. Ecteinascidins 770 and 786 from the Thai Tunicate Ecteinascidia thurstoni.

    Khanit Suwanborirux, Kornvika Charupant, Surattana Amnuoypol, Sunibhond Pummangura, Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    J. Nat. Prod., 65(6), 935-937 (2002).

  • 103. Chemistry of Renieramycins. Part 2. Partial Reduction and Nucleophilic Substitution of Hexahydro-1,5-imino-4-oxo-3-benzazocine-7,10-dione: Promising Method to Constructed Renieramycin J from Renieramycin G via Renieramycin E.

    Yu-ichi Koizumi, Akinori Kubo, Khanit Suwanborirux and Naoki Saito
    Heterocycles, 57(12), 2345-2355 (2002).

  • 104. Chemistry of Renieramycins. Part 3. Isolation and Structure of Stabilized Renieramycin Type Derivatives Possessing Antitumor Activity from Thai Sponge Xestospongia Species, Pretreated with Potassium Cyanide.

    Khanit Suwanborirux, Surattana Amnuoypol, Anuchit Plubrukarn, Sunibhond Pummangura, Akinori Kubo, Chieko Tanaka and Naoki Saito
    J. Nat. Prod., 66(11), 1441-1446 (2003).

  • 105. Chemistry of Antitumor Isoquinolinequinone Alkaloids: Unexpected Oxidative Degradation of Saframycin S to Generate Simple Isoquinoline Alkaloids, Mimosamycin and Mimocin.

    Naoki Saito, Yu-ichi Koizumi, Chieko Tanaka, Khanit Suwanborirux, Surattana Amnuoypol and Akinori Kubo
    Heterocycles, 61, 79-86 (2003).

  • 106. Chemistry of Renieramycins. Part 4. Synthesis of a Simple Natural Marine Product, 6-Hydroxy-7-methoxyisoquinolinemethanol.

    Naoki Saito, Chieko Tanaka, Tomoo Satomi, Chigusa Oyama and Akinori Kubo
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 52(2), 282-286 (2004).

  • 107. Chemistry of Renieramycins. Part 5. Structure Elucidation of Renieramycin-Type Derivatives O, Q, R, and S from Thai Marine Sponge Xestospongia Species Pretreated with Potassium Cyanide.

    Surattana Amnuoypol, Khanit Suwanborirux, Sunibhond Pummangura, Akinori Kubo, Chieko Tanaka and Naoki Saito
    J. Nat. Prod., 67(6), 1023-1028 (2004).

  • 108. Chemistry of Renieramycins. Part 6: Transformation of Renieramycin M into Jorumycin and Renieramycin J Including Oxidative Degradation Products, Mimosamycin, Renierone, and Renierol Acetate.

    Naoki Saito, Chieko Tanaka, Yu-ichi Koizumi, Khanit Suwanborirux, Surattana Amnuoypol, Sunibhond Pummangura and Akinori Kubo
    Tetrahedron, 60(17), 3873-3881 (2004).

  • 109. Chemistry of Ecteinascidins. Part 2. Preparation of 6’-Acyl derivatives of Stable Ecteinascidin and Evaluation of Cytotoxicity.

    Ploenthip Puthongking, Chamnan Patarakanich, Surattana Amnuoypol, Khanit Suwanborirux, Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 54(7), 1010-1016 (2006).

  • 110. Synthesis of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10-Octahydro-1,5-imino-7,10-dioxo-3-benzazocine-4-carbonitrile Derivative and Evaluation of Antitumor Activity Related to Saframycin and Renieramycin Isoquinolinequinones.

    Yu-ichi Koizumi, Ken-ichi Inamura, Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    Heterocycles, 70, 477-490 (2006).

  • 111. Jorunnamycins A-C, New Stabilized Renieramycin-Type Bistetrahydroisoquinolines Isolated from the Thai Nudibranch Jorunna funebris.

    Kornvika Charupant, Khanit Suwanborirux, Surattana Amnuoypol, Emi Saito, Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    Chem. Pharm. Bull., 55(1), 81-86 (2007).


  • 1. 2,5-ジオキソピペラジン類と立体化学

    久保陽德(Akinori Kubo)
    明治薬科大学研究紀要, 6, 41-50 (1976).

  • 2. Isoquinolinequinones from Actinomycetes and Sponges.

    Tadashi Arai and Akinori Kubo
    The Alkaloids, Vol. 21, pp 55-100. Ed by A. Brossi, Academic Press, New York.

  • 3. Total Synthesis of Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotics.

    Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokai Shi, 46, 121-133 (1988).

  • 4. Synthesis of Isoquinolinequinone Antibiotics.

    Akinori Kubo and Naoki Saito
    "Studies in Natural Products Chemistry”, Vol. 10, pp 77-145 (1992).

  • 5. 縮環芳香族アルカロイド

    中原伸輔、久保陽德(Shinsuke Nakahara & Akinori Kubo)
    明治薬科大学研究紀要, 40, 1-7 (2011).


  • 1. 「医薬品化学」(上巻)、南江堂、1989/05 (初版)、改定第20版

    津田恭介、久保陽德、吉田 茂 共著
    ISBN-10: 4524483772; ISBN-13: 978-4524483778

  • 2. 「医薬品化学」(下巻)、南江堂、1989/05 (初版)、改定第15版

    津田恭介、久保陽德、吉田 茂 共著
    ISBN-10: 4524483780; ISBN-13: 978-4524483785

  • 3. 「有機化学」、南江堂、1987/04(初版)、1990年(第2版)

    山川浩司、星野 修、久保陽德 編
    ISBN-10: 452443304X; ISBN-13: 978-4524433049

  • 4. 「有機化学」、南江堂、1999/04(改定第3版)

    山川浩司、久保陽德、北原嘉泰、原 博、星野 修、久留正雄、西谷 潔 (著)
    ISBN-10: 452440161X; ISBN-13: 978-4524401611

  • 5. 「薬学教科書シリーズ:創薬化学」、丸善、2000/09 (初版)

    山﨑恒善、本多利雄、増野匡彦、久保陽德、望月正隆 (共著)
    ISBN-10: 4621047892; ISBN-13: 978-4621047892

  • 6. 「基礎薬学 有機化学」、廣川書店、2003/05(第2版)、首藤紘一 編

    ISBN-10: 46567234812; ISBN-13: 978-4567234818


  • 1. Quinolinequinone Derivatives as Inhibitors of Reverse Transcriptase for Virus Control.

    Akishiro Nakamura, Yoshio Inouye and Akinori Kubo
    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, JP 63165319A 19880708 (1988).

  • 2. Ecteinascidin 786, its Isolation from Ecteinascidia, and Anticancer Agents Containing it.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Sunibhond Pummangura and Khanit Suwanborirux
    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, JP 2003155290A, 20030527 (2003).

  • 3. Renieramycins, Their Isolation from Xestospongia Species, and Anticancer Agents Containing it.

    Akinori Kubo, Naoki Saito, Sunibhond Pummangura and Khanit Suwanborirux
    Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, JP 2004231552A, 20040819 (2004).