「寄付講座 臨床遺伝学研究室」の研究業績のデータです。

[ 論 文 ]

1. Togawa T., Kawashima I., Kodama T., Tsukimura T., Suzuki T., Fukushige T., Kanekura T., Sakuraba H.: Tissue and plasma globortiaosylsphingosine could be a biomarker for assessing enzyme replacement therapy for Fabry disease. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 399: 716-720, 2010.

2. Ohno K., Saito S., Sugawara K., Suzuki T., Togawa T., Sakuraba H.: Structural basis of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis 1. Brain Dev., 32: 524-530, 2010.

3. Saito S., Ohno K., Sese J., Sugawara K., Sakuraba H.: Prediction of the clinical phenotype of Fabry disease based on protein sequential and structural information. J. Hum . Genet., 55: 175-178, 2010.

4. Matsuoka K., Tsuji D., Aikawa S., Matsuzawa F., Sakuraba H., Itoh K.: Introduction of an N-glycan into HEXA enhances human beta-hexosaminidase cellular uptake in a model of Sandhoff disease. Mol. Ther., 18:1519-1526, 2010.

5. Togawa T., Kodama T., Suzuki T., Sugawara K., Tsukimura T., Ohashi T., Ishige N., Suzuki K., Kitagawa T., Sakuraba H.: Plasma globotriaosylsphingosine as a biomarker of Fabry disease. Mol. Genet. Metab., 100: 257-261, 2010.