
The 27th Symposium on Complex Geometry (Kanazawa) 2021

Organizers Ryoichi Kobayashi (Nagoya University), Shigetoshi Bando (Tohoku University),
Toshiki Mabuchi (Osaka University), Shigeharu Takayama (The University of Tokyo),
Atsushi Kasue (Kanazawa University), Yu Kawakami (Kanazawa University),
Ryushi Goto (Osaka University)
Dates: Nov./1st/2021 -- Nov./4th/2021
Venue Osaka University (Toyonaka) Science Building E, room E404 and online

Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Nov. 4
9:15 - 9:30 tea tea tea tea
9:30 - 10:30 Mabuchi Fujita Streets Ohsawa
10:50 - 11:50 R. Kobayashi Inoue S. Honda Tsuji
13:00 - 13:30 tea tea tea
13:30 - 14:30 Odaka Futaki Moriyama Hashimoto
14:50 - 15:50 Kuwagaki Apostplov Hattori S. Saito
Title, Abstract : PDF (Nov. 1)

Nov. 1
9:30-10:30 Toshiki Mabuchi (Osaka University)
On the problem of deformation invariance of plurigenera for compact K\"ahler manifolds
10:50-11:50 Ryoichi Kobayashi (Nagoya University) PDF
How to find subvarieties obstructing Kobayashi hyperbolicity and related problems
13:30-14:30 Yuji Odaka (Kyoto University)PDF
Collapsing hyperK\"ahler metrics, limit measures on intervals, and Moduli compactifications
14:50-15:50 Tatsuki Kuwagaki(Osaka University)
Sheaf quantization of Lagrangian
Nov. 2
9:30-10:30 Kento Fujita (Osaka University)
The Calabi problem for Fano threefolds
10:50-11:50 Eiji Inoue (RIKEN) PDF
Perelman's enetropy in Kahler geometry and its non-archimedean reflection
13:30-14:30 Akito Futaki (Tsinghua University, The University of Tokyo)PDF
Conformally K\"ahler, Einstein-Maxwell metrics
14:50-15:50 Vestislav Apostolov (The University of Nantes) PDF
Nov. 3
9:30-10:30 Jeffrey Streets (University of California, Irvine)PDF
Generalized Ricci Flow
10:50-11:50 Shouhei Honda (Tohoku University)PDF
Collapsed limit spaces may be not collapsed in a synthetic sense
13:30-14:30 Takayuki Moriyama (Mie University) PDF
Quaternionic k-vector fields on quaternionic K\"ahler manifolds
14:50-15:50 Masafumi Hattori (Kyoto University)PDF
A decomposition formula for J-stability
Nov. 4
9:30-10:30 Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya University) PDF
On the cohomology vanishing with polynomial growth on complex manifolds with pseudoconvex boundary
10:50-11:50 Hajime Tsuji (Sophia University) PDF
Adiabatic limits of K\"ahler-Ricci flows
13:30-14:30 Yoshinori Hashimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) PDF
Expected centre of mass of the random Kodaira embedding
14:50-15:50 Shunsuke Saito (Tokyo University of Science)
Algebro-geometric stabilities for polarized toric varieties

  • Osaka University (Toyonaka) Science Building E, Access
  • Googe map( 34°80'21.45"N, 135°45'63.52"E)


Contact:Ryushi Goto (Osaka University)
e-mail: goto (at) math.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp (← Please change (at) to @.)
[Constructed by To. Noda] Last updated on Nov./5/2021